Monday, December 19, 2011

Future Stepmom No More

We called it quits after I found him cheating (according to him it was fake cheating to prove that I had trust issues and neither one of us could trust the other.) It was a childish game that he played knowing that this was going to be the result, (yes he said he knew a break up would be the result.)  I've moved back with my parents as of this past thursday and this will be my last post on this blog unless by some sort of grace he grows up.  I'm working on my faults though I have plans to work with therapy so I can become a better communicator, learn to forgive him eventually, and to work on my trust, jealousy, and anger issues.  I'm not perfect and I will never be perfect however I can still grow and mature just like anyone else.

I realized that i was always putting him first and somewhere along the way we both forgot who I was and I became the house cleaner and babysitter.  I have some short term goals and some long term goals set in place now for myself.  I want to get my jewelry business off the ground, publish a book, get my career going and live/work in Europe for at least a year before I consider settling down again.  I don't want to forget who I am again I didn't like the isolation it caused.  I worked too long and hard before now to get back on my feet, this is a set back that's all in the past few days since the break up I went from begging him to take me back to realizing that I'm stronger than that and I need to show it.  I wont put myself last again.

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